for i in `find $WORKDIR/*Alarm* -mtime 1 -type f` do some task done
After I changed to use below script, it worked as expected.
for i in `find $WORKDIR -name ‘*Alarm*’ -mtime 1 -type f` do some task done
for i in `find $WORKDIR/*Alarm* -mtime 1 -type f` do some task done
for i in `find $WORKDIR -name ‘*Alarm*’ -mtime 1 -type f` do some task done
SELECT a.index_name, a.column_name, b.column_expression FROM all_ind_columns a LEFT JOIN all_ind_expressions b ON A.index_name = b.index_name AND A.column_position = b.column_position WHERE a.index_name='table_name$unique_index_name';
table_name$unique_index_name SYS_NC00031$ TRUNC("UPDATE_DATE")
void radGridView1_CellEditorInitialized(object sender, GridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (e.Column.HeaderText == "Status") { RadComboBoxEditor editor = this.radGridView1.ActiveEditor as RadComboBoxEditor; RadComboBoxEditorElement element = editor.EditorElement as RadComboBoxEditorElement; element.DataSource = new string[] { "UP", "DOWN" }; element.SelectedValue = null; element.SelectedValue = this.radGridView1.CurrentCell.Value; } }
private String getJidFromPresencePacket(Presence p) { Collection<PacketExtension> extensions = p.getExtensions(); if (extensions instanceof List && !extensions.isEmpty()) { Object obj = ((List<?>)extensions).get(0); if (obj instanceof MUCUser) { MUCUser.Item item = ((MUCUser)obj).getItem(); if (item != null) { return item.getJid(); } } } return p.getFrom(); }
private String getJidFromPresencePacket(Presence p) { MUCUser mucUser = (MUCUser)p.getExtension("x", ""); if (mucUser != null) { MUCUser.Item item = mucUser.getItem(); if (item != null) { return item.getJid(); } } return p.getFrom(); }